Sidewalk Series
Being an artist typically considers visual intrigue and aesthetics overall; ironically, I utilize practicality in my work, considering aesthetics not as a point of focus, but as an area to consider deeper as surface level “solutions” to class issues. Revitalization Without Gentrification is a concept I’ve been exploring throughout my work, based on research suggesting that a focus on aesthetic qualities when solving issues of infrastructure in particular often create more harm than good, driving out community members because spaces feel out of place and uninviting to those who have lived in the area for generations. Infrastructure maintenance is vital to enhancing quality of life for lower- and working-class communities, especially since these communities depend on infrastructure most, yet receive the least attention. Oftentimes, aesthetic changes are proposed not to solve any issues at all, but with the hopes of driving up rent and property values to create more economically valuable spaces for wealthier individuals. This is not to say that visual qualities should never be altered, but the issues that are real hindrances to daily life should be solved first.
Sidewalk Series addresses the practical dependency on sidewalks in areas of Tallahassee, FL that are so distinctly separated from wealthier areas of the city in terms of resources and care. Leon County is one of the most impoverished counties in Florida, despite Florida State University (FSU) being a multimillion-dollar industry. While attending FSU, I’ve directly observed and heard the way surrounding areas of Tallahassee are perceived to the average well-to-do college student who never leaves the campus area and interacts with the city itself. With the help of Camille Eynard, Terry Castor, and Will Pekins, I repaired the corner of a sidewalk in Tallahassee. My project seeks to draw attention to issues of infrastructure in Tallahassee, as well as similar issues of infrastructure that can be applied to many other cities. I also seek to garner more empathy and attention to lower- and working-class communities overall, showing the overlooked realities of obstacles that may seem minor but inevitably have negative effects on the lower-class quality of life.
Since beginning this project in Fall of 2022, Tallahassee has coincidentally begun several sidewalk reconstruction assignments. For the sake of my project, it has made things difficult for my original plans, but obviously this is fulfilling to witness action taken in the hands of those in power. This is only one small aspect of a greater systemic issue, but I hope to see more investments in infrastructure and the number of extensive concerns for lower- and working-class peoples in the United States in the future.
To read more about my research and my thesis proposal altogether, click here:
Sidewalk Series; Testing Process
site-specific intervention + installation
concrete, concrete mixer, concrete trowels, plastic pail, wood, PLA filament 3D prints, bronze plaques (casted by Green Foundry)

Sidewalk Series; Intersection of Alabama st & Dade st, Tallahassee, FL
Sidewalk Series; Installation, Documentation, Materials and Tests